Somatic Imaginal Explorations

I started out by offering Internal Family Systems (IFS) sessions. But “parts work” is very versatile and allows you to integrate many different ideas and techniques. Over time, as my practice deepened, I found myself intuitively borrowing moves from other healing modalities (Gendlin’s Focusing, Core Transformation, Bio Emotive Framework, Somatic Experiencing, Coherence Therapy…) and spiritual traditions. And now, the boundaries of the techniques I employ are starting to blur.

But, amidst the evolving tapestry, two threads consistently weave themselves into the heart of my approach: the “somatic” and the “imaginal”. The somatic underscores the wisdom and the visceral knowledge of our body — the stories it tells, the truths it holds, and the sensations that signal deeper emotional landscapes. The imaginal, on the other hand, taps into the evocative power of visual metaphors, archetypes, and resonant visions. It provides a canvas for our deepest feelings, dreams, and ideas, acting as a medium for creative expression in our journey of self-exploration. Also, what remains core to my approach is the “parts” framework, which gives us the affordance to narratively traverse the somatic-imaginal forests.

In these somatic-imaginal explorations, I help you connect with your body and imagination to intimately explore your emotions, energy bodies, felt senses, perceptions, and desires. As we journey through your vast and wild inner worlds, the experience often takes a surreal dream-like psychedelic quality. The explorations are not just about understanding who you are now, but also exploring the vast possibilities of who you can become.

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