Introductory Session

I offer an introductory 2-hour session on a pay-what-you-want ($1+) basis. For scheduling, please reach out via this form and I’ll get back to you. Or alternatively, DM me on twitter / email me at nowth3o at gmail. 

If you’re curious or if you want more clarity on what the session entails, check out this Intro Session Primer page (talks about what to expect, how to prepare, potential risks, agreements, etc.)

Why 2 Hours?

The duration is intentional to create a spacious playground. One hour or so would be too little for the kind of deep immersive experience I want you to have; it’d be like coming back to the surface just as you’re about to plunge into the ocean’s depths.

When you spend an hour patiently connecting with yourself and cultivating emotional safety, you are creating conditions for magical intensity in the second hour. Which then naturally leads to emergence of insights and revelations that resonate on a much deeper, soulful level.

I feel that a single two-hour exploration like this can often be more powerful than multiple one-hour sessions combined.